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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

vExpert 2018

Hi everyone, This is just a quick post to say I am thrilled to announce that I have been accepted back in the VMware vExpert program for 2018.

This is VMware's program for community and advocacy for technologists. This has been a great opportunity for me and has created a lot of new friendships with people out in the community. It has opened up speaking at events for me and has been a really awesome experience. It shows you are dedicated to the community and it really means a lot. There is special swag at events for vExperts and the coolest thing is the licensing for VMware products for the home lab. Again I am really honored to be accepted back in for my second year this year and look forward to getting out there and meeting some of you at a VMware or VMUG event near you! Cheers!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Home Lab Series Part 2

Welcome back to my home lab series, it has been a while since I have gotten a chance to write a blog post. I have had a lot of exciting things keeping me busy in my professional and personal life. I was very fortunate to be selected as part of a home lab presentation series on vbrownbag. It came about as a discussion on twitter shortly before Cody Dearkland was a guest on our podcast the vGigacast. We had some discussions on home labs and Cody ended up reaching out to Jonathan Frappier and we were put on the schedule for the month of February. It was a very exciting opportunity and for those that would like to see it I will post it here.

Now lets get back to the home lab series. When we first left off we had discussed a lot of the various types of gear I had gone through over the last several years.